Mingchen Jiang
Hello! I am a first-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Tech). I completed my M.S. in Multimedia Information Technology at City University of Hong Kong and my B.E. in Computer Science at Northeastern University, China. My research interests include Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Large Language Models.
[Paper Accepted] One Paper is Accepted by NeurIPS 2023!
Our work "Does Continual Learning Meet Compositionality? NewBenchmarks and An Evaluation Framework" is accepted by NeurIPS 2023 Database and Benchmark Track.
[Paper Accepted] One Paper is Accepted by NeurIPS 2023!Seleceted as a Candidate of Science Tokyo SPRING
I am selected as a candidate of Science Tokyo SPRING program.
Seleceted as a Candidate of Science Tokyo SPRINGRecommended for JASSO Honors Scholarship
I am recommended for JASSO Honors Scholarship from Oct. 2024 to Mar. 2025.
Recommended for JASSO Honors Scholarship